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Items 380

380 items are rare, unique, and massively powerful equipment. Available in SEASON 2, 380 items can be obtained through events or by defeating Bosses on the continent, they have unique characteristics (MU standard) and do not have an excellent additional, they can have the Jewel of Life, Harmony and a powerful additional of reinforcement (extra purple) that can be obtained through combination in the Chaos Machine.

knowing the items

See below each set dedicated to its class:

Dragon KnightVenom MistSylphid RayVolcanoSunlight

  • Dragon Knight: It is the item dedicated to the Blade Knight class, it accompanies a powerful sword called the Bone Blade Sword.
  • Venom Mist: It is the item dedicated to the Soul Master class, accompanies a powerful staff called Grand Viper Staff.
  • Sylphid Ray: It is the item dedicated to the Muse Elf class, accompanies a powerful arc called Sylph Wind Bow.
  • Volcano: It is the item dedicated to the Magic Gladiator class, accompanying a powerful sword called the Explosion Blade.
  • Sunlight: It is the item dedicated to the Dark Lord class, accompanies a powerful scpeter called Soleil Scepter.

See below each weapon dedicated to its class:

Bone Blade SwordGrand Viper StaffSylph Wind BowExplosion BladeSoleil Scepter

Features and way of obtaining

The 380 items are powerful and are the desire of many players, but only the strongest and most fearless will be able to assemble equipment with the same characteristics.


The only way to get random parts of 380 items are by hunting Bosses on the continent or participating in automatic events.


The 380 items do not have additional excellent, but may have the additional Jewel of Life and Harmony (additional yellow), but the great advantage of this item is due to the additional purple, which provides great power to the user.

Additional purple

It's not the first time we've said that the purple add-on is a big plus for the warrior who owns it, so you'll learn step by step how to put that add-on in your 380 item.

Chaos Machine

All combinations performed in this guide will be done in the Chaos Machine located in the Noria map at coordinate 180, 100.

In the Chaos Machine options, there will now be 03 (three) options, choose the third, called 380 ITEM OPTION. See the example below indicating where you should click:

Ingredients and combination

Item 380 +4 min +4 opt min
03 Jewel of Guardian
03 Jewel oh Harmony

Enter all the ingredients into the Chaos Machine and click the COMBINE button to start the combination process. See the example below indicating where you should click:


Your item 380 will receive an additional purple according to its category.


All Jewels will be consumed with the exception of item 380.

Example of how is the additional purple (above in purple color) and the additional Harmony below (in yellow color):